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Setup Apple Pay for use with your Smart Online Order Mobile App

To have Apple Pay integrated with your Smart Online Order Mobile App system, you will need to activate it on your Clover Account.


In order for the below steps to function Clover would need to activate the ability to setup the Apple Pay integration for your account/s.

If you begin following the steps below and notice that the Eccomerce page does not have the Apple Pay section then you will need to reach out to your Clover sales agent to see if they can get Clover to add the feature to your account.

**At the current time Clover has the Apple token that you will be generating below expire after one year, until they update this to either take longer or not expire you will be required to repeat this process one year after the date that the token has been created else the integration will expire and no longer function until updated.

Access the settings

1. Log in to your Clover.com merchant account.

2. Click on the Settings icon, this will open a side panel with additional options.

Screenshot 2024-11-13 at 9.58.48 AM

3. In the Settings side panel, click on View All Settings.

Screenshot 2024-11-13 at 9.59.23 AM

4. Navigate to the Ecommerce section and click on Ecommerce Payments.

Screenshot 2024-11-13 at 10.00.03 AM


Generate the Required Info.

5. Find the Apple Pay section and click on "here", as shown in the image below, and a form will pop up.

Note: If you do not see the Apple Pay section on this page, it means Clover has not added the feature to your account yet.

Screenshot 2024-11-13 at 10.01.55 AM


6. Fill out the form with the necessary information and click "OK.

Note: For the "Identifier" section, your Apple merchant id will be as follows:


The "MID" mentioned above refers to the MID in the URL of the certificate page you are generating. Please refer to the image directly below.

Screenshot 2024-11-13 at 10.09.03 AM-1

Screenshot 2024-11-13 at 11.28.23 AM

7. Once the form is submitted, click on the Apple identifier (merchant.clover.MID).
Screenshot 2024-11-13 at 11.44.24 AM

8. Click "Download" to download the necessary .csr file needed.

Screenshot 2024-11-13 at 11.09.06 AM

Send the Generated File to Our Support Staff

9. Once you have the .csr file, rename it so that the file name reads as follows:
clover_merchant_[INSERT MID].csr

Example: clover_merchant_F4K3M3RCHANT1.csr

10. Email the file to our team at support@zaytech.com with the name of your business as it is seen on Clover along with the Apple Identifier.

From here, our team will work on updating your Smart Online Order Mobile App to accept payments via Apple Pay.